For the 2nd Tangible Interaction Workshop assignment, we were asked to make a MIDI controller. I made a controller for sustaining chords on a synth pad. I wanted to try to make a controller that would play notes in a consistent key signature and that would make it easy to build chords out of individual notes.
The controls are:
- seven slide potentiometers, each of which controls the velocity of a single note of a scale or chord (depending on how you want to think about it)
- a 3-position toggle switch for shifting the notes up or and down by an octave
- a 4-position rotary switch that changes the note mapping of the slide potentiometers
- an accelerometer that controls pitch bend using y-axis movement
- 7 slide potentiometers
- 14 M2 x 12mm phillips screws
- 3PDT toggle switch
- 4 position rotary switch
- Teensy 3.2
- LISD3H accelerometer
- MIDI jack
- Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB
- female headers
- black nylon hex standoffs
- 1/8” white matte acrylic
I used the same materials and techniques (laser cut matte white acrylic with black painted text, black nylon hex standoffs) for this week’s enclosure that I did for the Lunar Lander controller. This was partly out of convenience and partly because I like the idea of making a matching series of controllers for my assignments for this class.
Arduino source code
Illustrator file for laser cutting the enclosure
Fritzing sketch for the circuit diagram